A Letter from the Not-Really-A-Cyclist

The Not-Really-A-Cyclist

To the many people who pass me everyday,

There's been a big change for me in these last two months. I decided to start commuting to work via a 2-wheeled, human-powered, kinetic machine; aka a bicycle. It's something I have never considered nor dared to do mainly because of laziness but also because I didn't have a bike. After acquiring a female's '96 Cannondale from my cousin who got the bike from our aunt, I decided it was time to start this up.

My motivation to start cycling to work was not one to annoy the routine drivers of the road. My main motivation was to save money. Then it turned to actually being fun. (didn't see that coming) And now, it has turned into my training for backcountry snowboarding for the upcoming winter. Realistically, it's not saving me that much money, since it is only 4 miles from my house to work. I would say the same about training, that it isn't that beneficial, but the ride back home is a 4-mile, all uphill grind with no reprieve. Again, I don't do it to annoy you, the commuting driver to and from their place of employment.

I can honestly say that 95% of you that drive past me are conscientious of where I am and keep your safe distance. Even though the same 95% probably get annoyed that I am even on the road at all, you still would like to not hit me with your car. And for that I thank you. I thank those that give me the space I need so I don't feel like I'm going to get clipped by your 23x the size of me machine. I appreciate not revving your engine's tailpipe in my face as you drive by. I appreciate the fact that you basically, leave me alone, let me ride, and realize that I delayed your driving by a mere 5 seconds.

I understand why drivers hate/get annoyed with cyclists. I do too. I don't like it when cyclists have the attitude of "I deserve to be here too" type attitude. Even though it's true, it doesn't change the fact that a cyclist ways a twenty-third what a car weighs. Case in point, bike vs car, car wins every time. I'll take those odds. I don't ride 3 in a row, since it's only me riding. I don't ride in the middle of the road, since I stay in the bike lane and if there is no bike lane, I stay on the white line. I don't act like a dickhead, since I follow the rules of the road as a car. (Ever see a cyclist decide once they hit a red light, they can use a crosswalk...) I don't cause any added dangers, since I always give a car the right away. Also, if things get tight because of parked cars I stop riding and wait til traffic dies down a bit before continue riding. Basically, I do my best to not annoy you and stay out of your way since I do not want to get hit by your car.

For bike laws (in Utah) refer here.

For general rules of the road (in Utah) for cyclists and cars refer to the articles here.

As you can see from my set up, I am not a hardcore cyclist. I don't have a jersey, a nice bike, not even sunglasses that aren't broken because I'm doing this on the cheap.
But hey, I got a computer on it and new tires!
For those 5% that blatantly hate me, if you cross me with a blatant disregard for my safety I will do what I always do in those situations: smile, wave, maybe even blow a kiss, and make sure to report your license plate to the right people. I don't get mad because I am not going to waste my energy on you, so I'll let someone else deal with it.
Most recent encounter.
For those 5% that blatantly hate me, why do you mess with me? Are you trying to prove how tough you are? Are you just being a dick? Bored? Showing off your big truck? Whatever the reason may be, you need to realize that being a dick to me, isn't going to stop me from cycling home. Also, realize that endangering my life while on a bike is grounds for severe punishment from the law. It's really not something to be toyed with. I am warning you of this because unlike you with me, I don't hate you. I don't get angry when you drive 40 mph way too close to me. I don't flick you off, swerve into you, or cut you off. I let you go on with your day, hassle free.

To end this and to those that treat me with at least a little bit of respect I say thank you. I appreciate it very much and I am glad that we can share the road in a peaceful, adult manner. I will see you out there!

The Not-Really-A-Cyclist, Steve

Meet the Author:
Steve W Weiss: Snowboarder, Climber, Beer drinker...oh and Blogger.  Cleveland-native who moved West to Utah to fulfill a life of mountain fun.  Keep up with me on my Twitter or Facebook! Have new posts sent to your email!

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  1. Love it. My only question: can calling in a license plate really get someone in trouble? I feel like, as "cyclists," we have little recourse when drivers menace us with their vehicles. That's what makes me so angry about it -- I am powerless...

    1. Apparently it did. When I called the guy above in, they said they would follow through. Now, I'm not sure what they did after, but I mean cmon, the guy swerved into me! It's scary to be out there riding, feeling powerless. Hard to shake it.

  2. Scary situation. Hopefully the police do follow through on it.

  3. This one hits a little close to home today - I just found out that an old FSU colleague of mine was killed in a hit-and-run in Brooklyn while riding his bike. It's terrifying when you think about how much power a car driver really has over your life. Niko has been hit multiple times, and it scares the hell out of me when he bikes home in the dark, or on FSU game days (where like 90% of drivers are drunk).

    Stay safe out there buddy.

    1. I'm really sorry to hear that. Getting hit by a car is an everyday threat when riding, I wish drivers would recognize how scary it can be on a bike - even though we choose to be on them - and give us the room we deserve. Otherwise things can happen...I'm sorry.
